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With summer starting here at Shady Oak our student ministry has a full schedule. Last summer we tried something new by having weekly lunches together. Every Monday we would meet at a different fast food restaurant to eat and hang out. This year we are doing that again but we are adding a new element to the mix. We will be reading through the book of Philippians. I have broken down the whole book to where we will only be reading small portions at a time. The goal is that the students will read the passage for that week then when we meet, we will discuss what we have read. 

The book of Philippians is a letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi. This letter covers topics like advancing the Gospel and having humility to the end of the book where Paul talks about seeing God’s provision. I’m excited to see how this book will help our students. Through conversations I am praying that they will learn more about how God calls us and what we are interested to do with the Gospel. Please be in prayer for our students this summer as we go to camp and on our mission trip and for our reading of the book of Philippians. If you would like to read along with us please email me at and I will send you the breakdown of the book.