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Has anyone ever hurt you or done something to you that made you mad? I think we have all been there. Humans are not great to each other and in many cases do things to one another that cause real hurt and pain. One of the hardest things to do is forgive the people who have wronged us. Biblically God calls us to forgiveness. If you heard the sermon on Sunday we read Matthew 18:21-22 where Peter asks Jesus how many times we should forgive people. Jesus responds with, “seventy times seven,”. Man’s debt is so great that God has to forgive us infinitely more than the numerical count of 70 x 7. In the same way we are to forgive. 


Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” It is out of compassion for others that we are to give forgiveness to others because Christ has shown the same compassion to us. Forgiveness is hard, letting go of our pain is hard,  but it's freeing. Allowing yourself to be free of the weight that has been pushing you down for days, even years is amazing. 


Give forgiveness in every aspect of your life, even over the littlest things. Staying in pain will only make your life harder. Allow God to show you what true forgiveness is and use it to move on, be happier, and love others the way God loves us.