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I was recently chatting with some church friends about “children today” and the general consensus we came to was that today’s generation of young people are a generation in crisis.  We look at them and cannot begin to understand the choices they make or the reasons they make those choices. Let’s look at some statistics that back up this concept of a “Generation in Crisis”:

Every thirty minutes in the United States:

  • 29 kids will attempt suicide.
  • 57 adolescents will run away.
  • 22 teenage girls will get an abortion.
  • 685 teenagers will use some form of narcotics.
  • 188 young people will experience a serious drinking problem

Do those numbers surprise you? Would you agree that we have a crisis on our hands? Throughout the month of October, we will talk about 4 areas of crisis that young people are experiencing, while also talking about how we can help guide them.

Crisis #1: A Sexual Revolution

You might be thinking that this is nothing new, and you are right. There have been many sexual revolutions; but this one is the biggest so far! Our children are bombarded with sexual ideas, concepts, pictures and thoughts from a very young age. What is right? What is wrong? Pornography is everywhere. Cohabitation? What’s the big deal? My friend’s parents live together, and they’re not married. Sexting? Everyone does it; it’s harmless. Gender fluidity? Isn’t that every person’s right to choose? And the list goes on. Secular society tells our children “This is how you do it…Be careful. Use a condom. Embrace your sexuality. Explore it…”

How can we counteract what society and culture are saying? We must begin by actively addressing the issue! We cannot stand by and be silent. Research shows that having conversations does not cause issues – it prevents issues! So, talk to your children about sex in age-appropriate ways. Be the FIRST one to bring it up with them so that they hear truth first. Teach children a Theology of Healthy Sexuality. Give them guardrails, not focusing only on negative rules, but on God’s design for sex to be good within His context of marriage. When we teach our children truth first, they are then able to recognize the lies they hear from society later. Most importantly, KEEP THE DOOR OPEN to future conversations. Let your child know that you are always available to answer their questions, talk about their fears, hear their concerns, and even listen when they mess up. These conversations will be hard for you, but they are so worth it! I encourage you to spend time praying as you prepare to talk with your kiddos.

If you are interested in good books to help you talk with your children, I highly recommend several books by Jim Burns. He has several books on this topic for all ages. For younger children you could try How God Made Babies, and God Made Your Body.  For teens he has an excellent book: A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity. And for YOU as a parent, I highly recommend Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality. You can purchase all of these books on Amazon.