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Greetings and welcome to 2024! It is hard to believe another year has gone by… am I the only one that thinks they seem to go by quicker now? My prayer, for all of those who read this, is that you find a renewed spirit for worshiping our Lord and Savior this new year. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing verses, quotes and passages from articles that I am reading, as I look to #worshipmorein24.

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13


During the Old Testament times, man’s relationship to God was mediated through priests. Man still honored God, but they did not have the same access to the Father that we have today (Praise God!) Jeremiah is prophesying of a time when “man” could have a relationship with the Father and access to Him without the need for a human intermediary. When Jesus came to earth and became the High Priest on our behalf, He created a way for us to seek and find God the Father; acting as our intermediary for eternity.

This verse sounds so simple and “easy”. Have you ever thought though, that maybe you haven’t given God “all of your heart”? The passage doesn’t say “seek me when it’s something you can’t fix on your own”, or “seek me when you have exhausted every other option”, or “seek me in the areas you are comfortable being open and honest about”. No…it says seek me with “all of your heart”. We must be willing to surrender and give God access to the way we think, the way we act, and the way we feel.

As we go about our lives, worshiping our King, Creator and Savior, my prayer is that we give it all to the Lord. Let us seek after Him, His plan for our day…His plan for our lives. When we give ALL to the Lord, we will find Him and we will feel His divine presence and touch in our lives. When we come together to bring our offerings of praise and worship to Him, we should be seeking and listening to what He has for us that day. I am thankful for this promise that the Lord gave to Jeremiah. My prayer is that you make it a matter of prayer and commit to seek our Lord with your whole heart this week.